Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rules for safe surfing:
  1. Keep your personal account personal
  2. Keep it clean. No abusive, profane, obscene, sexual, offensive, or threatening content of any kind.
  3. No social networking during school hours unless directed to do so by the teacher.
  4. Access only those games approved by the school.
  5. Respect the privacy and property of others.
  6. Have no expectation of privacy.
  7. Be safe! Post personal information with parent permission only.
  8. All school and district policies are in effect, including all state and federal laws.
  9. Give credit where credit is due. If you use someone's work, be sure to cite it properly.
  10. At school, using the internet is a privilege not a right.
Edu 742 - Session 6 - Reflection

At my students' (middle school) level, they should have acquired basic computer skills. They should know how to turn on the computer, open a program, launch an internet search, and save data in folders.

My team and I developed a list of procedures/restrictions that answers the question about the tech policy guide and I have attached it.

Students and parents should be made aware of the latest and most essential warnings put out about internet safety. Once again, the list of rules my team and I developed answers this topic as well.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Words to live by...

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
Benjamin Franklin

Reflection Session 4

What I feel students need to know before engaging in Internet searches and online social networking sites:
  • Students need to know what the goal of the engagement is (if academic)
  • Students need to know what the parameters are (if academic)
  • Students need to know not be naive about creepy peoples' motives for contact with them (always)
  • Students must be guided in ethical/proper behavior when using social networks in particular
How can technology support student understanding and building of knowledge?
  • much more content can be presented in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional methods
  • especially when learning History, videos, presentations with images, etc., (viewing and creating) are very valuable
Types of products I feel can inspire creativity and innovation:
  • webquests
  • student made video
  • power point presentations - teacher and student made
Hi! It's Jenny. I have a blog...ooooooh!